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Utstilling, Forelesning

Åpent forum: Do We All Agree? + One Work Only: Ahmed Umar

Åpent forum: Do We All Agree? + One Work Only: Ahmed Umar

For the closing night of this season we are honoured to invite you to an interesting talk between Helle Siljeholm, Fadlabi, Ane Hjort Guttu, with Ahmed Umar’s Hijab (Annual protection) piece.

It is often said Norway is a consensus country, with a consensus culture where people seem to want to agree more than disagreeing. What challenges do these agreements evoke to artists? Do we face boundaries that lead to self-censorship to keep ourselves loyal to these agreements? Are we critical about them or do we benefit from them?

Ane Hjort Guttu: Visual artist, Filmmaker and professor at Oslo Academy of Fine Art.

Helle Siljeholm is a Choreographer, Performer and Visual artist.

Fadlabi: Poet, Painter, Visual artist and One of two founders of Khartoum Contemporary Center

One Work Only

Ahmed Umar - Hijab (Annual protection)
365 leather objects stretched on 30 meters long leather cord.

Ahmed Umar is a cross-disciplinary artist. His works recreate a narrative of his own life story utilising various techniques such as sculpture, printmaking, painting and performance.


KCAC open 16 - 01
Soup served at 18:00
Exhibition opens 19:00
Open Forum talk at 20:00