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Avgang 2018: Othering

Avgang 2018: Othering

Shi Pratt presenterer sitt avgangsprosjekt i master koreografi ved avdeling Dans.

What possible outcomes arise when the collective body migrates between stability, uniformity and coherence, while at the same time multiple other collectivities construct and surround these same entities with similar aims?
In what way does relating to others generate a possibility for change in orientations?
What constitutes a sense of belonging for the fluctuating and subjective body when the mirror reveals an unspoken potential of a new vulnerability?

The work on the performance tries to reflect on otherness through a number of juxtaposed lenses, and draws it’s starting point from the instability and impermanence of the displaced body. Images of the other appear and desolve - together we try to investigate the complex relationship between the collective drive and the other.                                                                                            - Shi Pratt -


Koreografi: Shi Pratt
Skapt i samarbeid med og fremført av avgangsstudenter fra bachelor samtidsdans, avdeling Dans: Elin Andrine Lilleslåtten, Brage Nordang, Runa Sætervoll, Oda Bjørholm, Bjørk-Mynte Buchgraitz Paulse, Emilie Klitgaard Jungersen, Vilja Tjemsland Kwasny og Sebastian Biong
Rom og lys: Kyrre Heldal Karlsen
Komponist, lyddesign og musikk: Øystein Moen
Kostymdesign: Tuva Aanensen og Mari Ballangrud, avgangsstudenter bachelor kles- og kostymedesign, avdeling Design.
Veiledere kostymedesign: Peter Løchstøer og Kathrine Tolo

Veiledere: Kai Johnsen, Mia Habib, Per Roar, Anne Grete Eriksen og Bojana Cvejic.
