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About cheating
Cheating or attempts at cheating during an exam include copying (whether verbatim or slightly modified) scholarly literature, internet documents and the like without the proper citation. Papers that greatly resemble one another are considered to be a form of cheating, and it is also considered to be cheating if the paper is a plagiary or if the author is clearly someone other than the student.

During exams where only certain aids are permitted, it is considered cheating to use another aid than those that have been announced in advance or stated in the examination text.

Consequences of cheating
Students who are caught cheating or attempting to cheat shall have their exam annulled and shall be barred from all institutions of higher education for up to a year, cf. sections 4.7 and 4.8 of the University and University College Act.

A grade of “failed” shall be set when cheating or attempted cheating has been documented. All cases where cheating or attempted cheating has been discovered shall be forwarded to the board for a final decision.