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A Workshop on Reading by Valentina Desideri and Denise Ferreira da Silva

A Workshop on Reading by Valentina Desideri and Denise Ferreira da Silva

Oslo Academy of Art together with Rupert invite you to join A Workshop On Reading led by Valentina Desideri and Denise Ferreira da Silva.

During the workshop, the Reading Room, a part of the exhibition “Double Bind" will be activated for one day.

Drawing from Walter Benjamin, Denise and Valentina will talk about their notion of reading as imaging and explore with participants some of the reading tools present in the room, especially focusing on Tarots, Fake Therapy and the use of poetry books. Fake Therapy is a tool that allows anyone to practice healing on anyone else without any previous knowledge or authority. You can read more about it here:

Registration at is compulsory.